H8.6.2.2a Import format for property data - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.6 Revenue Tools > 8.6.2 Entry of revenue data Import Format for Property Data

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Expert; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

Data Essential ?Format / Remark ExampleExcel column
UPN ESSENTIALxxx-yyyy-aaaa format, as string 678-0789-0123A
SubUPN xxx-yyyy-aaaaA format as string or blank
   or single/double/triple letter
Locality code as string, max length 15 CBDC
Street name as string, max length 50 Oxford StD
Property number as string, max length 30 3E
if above
ground floor
as number, 0 for ground floor   0F
Coordinates: x UTM 30, new 678456G
Coordinates: y UTM 30, new 789567H
Owner ESSENTIALas string, max length 50 KofiI
Owner address as string, max length 50 7 Oxford StJ
Owner telephone as string!, max length 15 0241234567K
Owner email as string!, max length 50 kofi@yahoo.comL
Owner id as string, max length 12, for compatibility with older systems S667799M
Number of rooms as integer number 5N
Year of construction as number, 1800- 2005O
Property type as code (0-10)2P
Property use ESSENTIALas code: 100,101..., 200..., 300... 101Q
Persons in building as number 4R
Roofing as code (0-6)2S
Ownership type as code (0-6)3T
Construction material type   as code (0-6)1U
Number of storeys as integer number 2V
Rateable value in GHc, as integer30000W
Valuation code Deprecated, not used anymore(blank)X
Sub-Metro as string, newNorthwestY
SubUrb as string, newLeftZ
Descriptor as code, integer -AA
Planning permit as code (0-2)1AB
Planning permit number as string, max length 30 678-0789-0123PPAC
Building permit as code (0-2)1AD
Building permit number as string, max length 30 678-0789-0123BPAE
'Property' ESSENTIALword 'Property' PropertyAF
Comments as string, helpful if property use code not available BlankAG
Previous reference code   as string , works also as password for online access12/43794AH
Old address/house no.   as string 12 A/BAI
Exempted1 for exempted, otherwise blank or 0 (blank)AJ
-99 ESSENTIALcontrol variable, as number -99AK

In total, there should be 37 columns (last column in Excel: AK).

File name should contain '_field_data_' (e.g. STMA_field_data_property_area1.csv)

General requirements:

- Empty cells are allowed, except where indicated (UPN, collector id, amount).
- If SubUPN is entered, it has to be unique (UPN + 1 or 2 or 3 letters).
- If necessary, insert empty columns in your spreadsheet. 
- Codes for pay status, business class, property use etc can be viewed at the Printing Tools > Classes
- Observe the number -99 at the right-most column as control variable.
- No commas or and-signs(&) or quotations (" or ') are allowed anywhere in your Excel data, as they work as delimiters in the CSV file. Delete or replace them in Excel.
- Data from the CSV file will overwrite data in the LUPMIS Revenue Database. If the cell in the Excel/csv file is blank, this will NOT overwrite/delete the LUPMIS revenue data.

General preparations of CSV file in Excel:

- 1. If numbers are set up with comma as 1000-separator, delete it: Select area > Format cells > Number > Number > No tick on 'Use 1000 Separator' > OK .
- 2. If numbers are entered as text, convert them to numbers, e.g. insert in a column: +(cell of the text number)+0, copy this formula down to the whole range, then copy-paste all of them as values to a new column. .
- 3. Once you are sure, there are no commas in the number columns, convert all commas to points (Control-F > Replace).

Special import options:

- 1. If you only update (!) owner's data, fill all columns relating to owners data (name, tel etc). You don't have to fill the other columns, except UPN (see also line 4 below), 'Property', -99.
- 2. If you only update (!) property use, fill the column 'Property Use'. You don't have to fill the other columns, except UPN (see also line 4 below), 'Property', -99.
- 3. If you only update (!) rateable values, fill the column 'Rateable value'. You don't have to fill the other columns, except UPN (see also line 4 below), 'Property', -99.
- 4. For option 1 or 2 or 3 above, reference can be made to the column of previous reference code (if imported earlier, e.g. valuation code) instead of UPN/SubUPN. An 'x' has to be entered in column A (instead of UPN).

These special import options can be called by ticking their boxes at the last selection screen.


0. Introduction | 1. GIS handling | 2. GIS data entry | 3. GIS operations | 4. Attribute database | 5. Conversion of data | 6. Presentation | 7. GIS for land use planning | 8. LUPMIS Tools | 9. Databases | Annexes 1-10 | Annexes 11-20 | General Site Map
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