Entry of arrears - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.6 Revenue Tools > 8.6.2 Entry of revenue data Manual Entry and Import of Arrears

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

Arrears are debts from previous years. They can be included in the new invoices or can be ignored. This choice is made at the definition of fee-fixing (see Chapter Fee-fixing).

If arrears are considered in the debts calculation, they have to be entered in LUPMIS either through a manual entry or through import from a file with the arrears.

A) Manual entry

For a very few arrears to be entered you can choose the manual entry. Enter the UPN or SubUPN of the property (or business) to define a new 'payment', eventhough it is a debt (a kind of a negative payment).

Revenue > Entry > Payment: Property (or Business) > Enter UPN > Continue 

> Enter only the amount of arrears in GHc (of the previous year, of course). Don't enter any other figures or values in this screen, and Save Payment. 

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B) Import of arrears from a CSV file (from Excel)

You have to prepare an Excel file with following columns:
- UPN (and SubUPN, if applicable) (in column A [and B])
- Amount of arrears (in GHc) (in column E for payment)
- Word 'Property' or 'Business' (in column F)
- Word 'Arrears' (in column G)
- Year from when arrears is dating back (e.g. for the assessment in 2015, enter arrears year 2014) (in column O)
- Word 'Payment' in a control column at the right side (in column P)
- Control number -99 in the the very last column (column; R)

This will set the arrears as debit for the date of December 31.

It has to be saved as a CSV file with '_field_data' in its file name.

This special import can be called by ticking the box at the selection screen.


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