H8.6.2.4a Import format for payments - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.6 Revenue Tools > 8.6.2 Entry of revenue data Import Format for Payments

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Expert; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

Data  Essential ?Format / Remark ExampleExcel column
UPN ESSENTIALxxx-yyyy-aaaa format, as string 678-0789-0123A
SubUPN If exists:
xxx-yyyy-aaaaA format as string or blank or single letter 678-0789-0123EB
Street name Deprecated, not used anymore, leave blank BlankC
House/property number Deprecated, not used anymore, leave blankBlankD
Amount of payment ESSENTIALas figure (value) in GHc 15E
'Property' or 'Business' ESSENTIALword 'property' or 'business' PropertyF
Payee as string KofiG
Date of payment If payments:
dd-mm-yyyy format, as string (see remark below)31-01-2012H
Payment station as string, max length 20 AssemblyI
Payment receipt as string, max length 30 ABC12J
Receipt computer number as string, max length 50 K
Receipt date dd-mm-yyyy format, as string (see below) ,
  if different than payment date
Payment type word 'payment', 'fee' or 'arrears', max length 30 automatically by LUPMISM
Number of Demand Notice as string, max length 30 678-0789-0123-2012-05-01N
Date of Demand Notice dd-mm-yyyy format, as string (see below) 01-05-2012 O
Date of submission of DN dd-mm-yyyy format, as string (see below) 05-05-2012 P
Arrears Only for arrears Word 'arrears' (leave blank, if empty) arrearsQ
Previous year of arrears Only for arrears Year from when arrears dates (leave blank, if empty) 2014 R
'payment' ESSENTIALword 'payment'paymentS
Comments as string no commentsT
-99 ESSENTIALcontrol variable, as number -99U

In total, there should be 24 columns (last column in Excel: U).

File name should contain '_field_data_' (e.g. STMA_field_data_payments_area1.csv)

General requirements:

- Empty cells are allowed, except where indicated (UPN, collector id, amount).
- If SubUPN is entered, it has to be unique (UPN + 1 or 2 or 3 letters).
- If necessary, insert emtpy columns in your spreadsheet. 
- Codes for pay status, business class, property use etc can be viewed at the Printing Tools > Classes
- Observe the number -99 at the right-most column as control variable.
- All date formats must be as strings. You might have to change the property of the Excel column to 'Text' or insert a single quotation at the first character in the Excel cell.
- No commas or and-signs(&) or quotations (" or ') are allowed anywhere in your Excel data, as they work as delimiters in the CSV file. Delete or replace them in Excel.
- Data from the CSV file will overwrite data in the LUPMIS Revenue Database. If the cell in the Excel/csv file is blank, this will NOT overwrite/delete the LUPMIS revenue data.

General preparations of CSV file in Excel:

- 1. If numbers are set up with comma as 1000-separator, delete it: Select area > Format cells > Number > Number > No tick on 'Use 1000 Separator' > OK .
- 2. If numbers are entered as text, convert them to numbers, e.g. insert in a column: +(cell of the text number)+0, copy this formula down to the whole range, then copy-paste all of them as values to a new column.
- 3. Once you are sure, there are no commas in the number columns, convert all commas to points (Control-F > Replace).

Special import option:

You can use this table also to import arrears. You have to fill following columns:
- UPN (and SubUPN if applicable)
- Amount of arrears (in box of payment, column: E)
- Word 'Property' or 'Business' (column: F)
- Word 'Arrears' (column: N)
- Year of arrears (previous year, from when arrears date back, column: O)
- Word 'Payment' (column: P)
- Number -99 (column: R)

This special import can be called by ticking the box at the selection screen.

Techical Note:
If you re-import, be aware that fees and arrears should be negative, payments positive (opposite to internal processing and display in LUPMIS). Specific arrears import are positive.


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