HA1.5b MysQL Problems - LUPMISManual

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Annexes 1-10 > A1. LUPMIS setup
HA1.5b Additional Advice for MySQL Service Installation

If you have a previous LUPMIS installed and are not running MySQL as a service, you will be informed to do so:

Click on the red x next to MySQL under Services, and follow the instructions:

The red x will change to a green tick mark:

This has to be done only once. The new service will start every time you start the computer.
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Expert advise: You can see, if MySQL is running as a service:
  • With the command 'tasklist' as a command line in Window (CLI, accessed with CMD)
  • With the command 'sc query' as a command line in Window (CLI, accessed with CMD)
  • Through the control panel, search for 'Services'

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